Coronavirus Numbers For 11/12/2021-11/14/2021

Over the weekend from 11/12/2021 to 11/14/2021 Appleton recorded 126 confirmed cases and 29 probable cases. (The dashboard only shows the one day increase in numbers, so I’ve noted on the screenshot the full weekend numbers). Active cases rose by 41 to 362 while cases out of isolation increased by 114 to 11,688. Deaths remained unchanged at 73.

Appleton’s currently 7 day running average of confirmed cases is 37 and of confirmed and probable cases combined is 50. This compares to a 7-day running average of confirmed cases on this day last year of 54.14. (Appleton did not start recording probable cases until 11/23/2020.) Appleton currently has 362 active cases as compared to 812 active cases on this day last year. Last year between March 18 (the day of Appleton’s first recorded case) and November 14, Appleton recorded 30 deaths with/from coronavirus as compared to 10 deaths during that same timeframe this year.

Over the course of last week, Appleton recorded a total of 259 confirmed cases and 91 probable cases for a combined total of 350. The week before we had 198 confirmed cases and 50 probable cases for a combined total of 257. This makes our 2 week burden per 100,000 residents to work out to 609 when calculated using on confirmed cases and 809 when including probable cases. Both of those rates fall into the “Very High” burden rate category.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 16.16% of Appleton’s residents are known to have had a confirmed or probable case. 0.1% have died with/from coronavirus. 0.48% have a currently active case.

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