Employee Raises At The 12/09/2020 Human Resources and Information Technology Committee Meeting

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 12/09 at 6:30 pm.

Amongst the items on the agenda is wage increases for Valley Transit employees. Valley Transit employees are looking at across the board increases of 1% in April 2021, 1% in October 2021, 2% in January 2022, and 2% in January 2023. Additionally, all Drivers, Communication Technicians, and Utility Workers an look forward to a nne time lump sum payment of $.25/hour for all hours worked in 2020.

Ridership is down over 50 percent and the revenue they bring in through fares even in a good year does not come close to meeting their expenses. They’re completely dependent on taxpayer dollars to provide services. I’m not sure it’s appropriate, in a year when so many taxpayers have suffered devastating financial hits, for the government to be handing out raises.

Valley Transit employees aren’t the only ones looking at raises. The Appleton HR team “proposes that the 1.5% increase be granted as an across the board increase to all employees. Employees with an inconsistent rating would not be eligible for the across the board adjustment until the rating is brought up to a consistent level and maintained for a period of at least ninety (90) days.”

Maybe they can spread the largesse by giving city taxpayers a 1.5% decrease on their property taxes.

Seasonal workers can also look forward to a 1.5% increase, although, to be fair, their wages seem pretty reasonable.

The city will also be extending their emergency sick leave policy through June 30, 2021.

Per the memo: “Our proposal would be to extend only the Emergency Sick Leave portions of the policy which would allow employees to carry-over any portion of their unused energency sick leave into 2021. Employees would not be entitled to a new eighty (80) hour emergency sick leave benefit.”

View full meeting details here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=814895&GUID=F6DEA0E9-E0C7-4BDC-A2D2-4A259FE72E36&Options=info|&Search=

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