Board of Health Meeting 12/09/2020 and 3rd Quarter Review

The Board of Health is meeting 12/09/202 at 7am.

On the agenda…

Fox River House is seeking a noise variance so they can play live music from May-September in 2021.

The ever constant Covid update. For some reason, the power point slides they attached to the agenda appear to be a couple weeks old and do not include the most current data.

The Health Department’s 3rd quarter report. As with the 2nd quarter report, this suggests that they’ve really dropped the ball on their non-coronavirus responsibilities. Vaccinations are way down as are health visits. One would think that in the age of coronavirus, perhaps their “Phone Call as Visit” rates would increase, but that is still on par with last year’s rate.

It looks like they’ve been dealing with a lot more complaints against public eating and drinking establishments. One wonders how many of those complaints were frivolous.

I found it interesting that hospitalized influenza cases increased compared to last year (39 vs 30).

Here’s a copy of the report for your reading pleasure:

View full meeting details here:|&Search=

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