Common Council Meeting Scheduled For 12/02/2020

The Common Council is meeting 12/02/2020 at 7pm. Surprisingly, there appear to be no mayoral proclamations.

There will be the ubiquitous Covid update. Of interest is the fact that they are reporting that Appleton’s burden is down to 901. They appear to be using both confirmed and probable cases to calculate that. If you calculate burden using only confirmed cases, it goes down to 760 [(340+230)/75,000Ă—100,000]. I’m sure AASD Parents will all be keeping an eye on the district to make sure that, per Judy Baseman’s assurances, they do use only confirmed cases to calculate burden for their purposes.

There will also be committee reappointment.

Additionally, amongst other things, they’ll be reviewing a bunch of permits related to an ongoing 5G installation project.

View full meeting details here:

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