Utilities Committee Meeting 08/24/2021 – Will Vote On A Storm Water Consulting Services Contract And A Biosolids Transportation, Application, And Incorporation Contract

The Utilities Committee is meeting later today, 08/24/2021, at 5PM.

It has two action items on the agenda…

(1) Awarding a stormwater consulting services contract for Apple Creek Road/Haymeadow Avenue

The main things the contractor would be doing is preparing “an independent drainage study that details the stormwater conveyances and stormwater management practices necessary for the two planned roadways to meet applicable standards,” and preparing “30% preliminary engineering plans for stormwater conveyances and stormwater management practices, as well as roadway design profiles.”

(2) Awarding Beneficial Reuse Management an extension for the 2022-2024 Biosolids Transportation, Application, and Incorporation Contract.

Apparently, the city had a contract with a company called Veolia Environmental Services which was acquired by a company called Clean Harbors. Clean Harbors refused to honor the contract that the city had with Veolia and wanted the city to pay an additional surcharge before they would perform services. Appleton ended up contracting with Beneficial Reuse Management instead and now wants to extend that contract.

Several information items will also be presented to the committee including the Utilities Mid-Year Performance Indicators report, a report on the Appleton Parks and Recreation Stormwater Camp (it looks like the kids who participated had a fun times), and the July Water Main Breaks report (main breaks are still up quite a bit from last year, as was discussed at last month’s meeting).

View full meeting details here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=860979&GUID=5841B62A-0B07-44D9-A8FE-0DA08FE2BECA&Options=info|&Search=

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