Coronavirus Numbers For 08/18/2021

On 08/18/2021 Appleton recorded 14 confirmed coronavirus and 16 probable cases. Active cases rose by 14 to 233. Cases out of isolation increased by 16 to 8,985. Deaths remained unchanged at 65 for the 106 day in a row.

Our current 7-day running average of confirmed and probable cases is 23.57 as compared to 5.14 on this day last year. We have 233 current active cases this year as compared to 204 active cases on this day last year. At the same time, although new cases and active cases are more than compared to last year, our deaths are quite a bit down. Between March 18 (the day of Appleton’s first known Covid case) and August 18, Appleton has had only 2 deaths this year compared to 7 deaths last year during the same time frame.

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