Ahead Of Mile Of Music Festival Appleton Police Department Reminds Everyone That Birds, Bikes, And Boards Are Not Allowed On The Downtown College Avenue Sidewalk

The Appleton Police Department is reminding everyone ahead of Mile of Music that no Birds, Bikes, or Boards are allowed on the sidewalk of Downtown College Avenue. They will be rigidly enforcing this rule over the weekend.

People riding Bird electric scooters on the College Avenue sidewalk has been an issue since the start of the pilot program. That problem is not unique to Appleton. The city of Milwaukee recently banned all dockless scooters from their downtown and the surrounding area, whether on the sidewalk or not, due to excessive sidewalk riding.

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2 thoughts on “Ahead Of Mile Of Music Festival Appleton Police Department Reminds Everyone That Birds, Bikes, And Boards Are Not Allowed On The Downtown College Avenue Sidewalk

  1. Posting something on social media is one thing, physical signs stating this along the area of College Avenue is another. There are a few free-standing signs that say no bikes or skateboards, but they are few and far between, and clearly ignored. The city should have had Bird fund signs that state this – other municipalities I have lived in put these costs onto vendors all the time in situations like this.

    There are all 3 on sidewalks all day long, and the few signs there don’t make a difference.

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