Municipal Services Committee Holds Items Regarding Pole Building Ban And Electrical Work By Homeowners Until 07/26/2021 Committee Meeting

During the 07/07/2021 Common Council meeting, 3 items were referred back to the Municipal Services Committee: the Alvin Street reconstruction project, the request to ban pole buildings in Appleton, and the updates to the Municipal Code regarding electrical work performed by homeowners. Those then came before the Municipal Services Committee on 07/12/2021.

Alderperson Nate Wolff (District 12) had wanted to remove on street parking for a portion of Alvin Street when it was reconstructed. After some discussion, the committee opted to recommend approval of the Alvin Street reconstruction project with no changes to the parking or city staff’s original proposal.

Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) had referred back the item regarding pole buildings in Appleton because he thought there was some more information that the committee should discuss before voting on it. The committee opted to hold that item until the next Municipal Services Committee meeting on 07/26/2021 because city staff was still trying to find some answers to some questions and Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3) who normally chairs the Municipal Services Committee wanted to weigh in on the item but was not available for the 07/12/2021 meeting.

Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9) had requested that the item related to updating the Municipal Code regarding electrical work performed by a homeowner be referred back because he was concerned that if passed in its current form it would prevent homeowners from installing on their own even small, easily installed personal solar units or wind units.

Director Paula Vandehey, asked that this item also be held until the 07/26/2021 Municipal Services Committee meeting because they needed time for their electrical inspector to weigh in on Alderperson Schultz’s concerns.

[Honestly, at this point, I’m really invested in all three of these items and excited to see what happens with the two that have been held until the 26th and whether there will be any discussion at the next Common Council meeting regarding the Alvin Street reconstruction/Planned Parenthood demonstrators situation.]

View full Municipal Services Committee meeting details and video here:|&Search=

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