Mural At PAC Celebrates Hmong Heritage Month

A reader drew my attention to the mural that is currently on the College Avenue window of the Performing Arts Center. It was painted by Hmong artist Nou Vue to celebrate Hmong Heritage Month.

There was a sign posted with a description of the mural by the artist:

“As a Hmong artist, I want to exemplify the beauty of Hmong embroidery. The mural showcases a perfected sewing mastery that has been passed down from generation to generation through our Hmong mothers and grandmothers. The patterns sewn onto our clothes, cross stitch by cross stitch, come to life with vibrant threads of colors.

Each intentional stitch eventually fills the canvas with a combination of motifs. Although each motif does not have a significant meaning, they resemble familiar animals and daily life. The “qwj” is in the shape of a spiral and translates to snail due to its similar coiling like a snail shell. The “qwj” can also be incorporated with additional stitches to become part of the heart or the elephant’s footprint.

Although most of our garments remain similar to the ones in the past, modern day outfits become displays of our evolutional and ancestral artistry with contemporary influence. – Nou Vue”

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