Camilo’s Alcohol Operator’s License Denied, But Muncheez Pizza Still Has An Awesome Mural

Lost amongst the AAPI and CEDAW resolutions as well as everything going on with the Appleton Area School District in recent weeks, was the quest of Camilo to get his bartender license. His license application was put on hold by the Safety and Licensing Committee back on April 14 after the committee had deadlocked 2-2 on whether to approve it. That very day it came out that his employer/character witness, Muncheez Pizza owner Paul Vanderlinden, had been charged with engaging in tax fraud to the tune of $800,000.

During the 04/28/2021 Safety and Licensing Committee meeting, the committee members spent approximately 30 seconds unanimously voting to recommend his application be denied. During the 05/05/2021 Common Council meeting the item was not even separated out for an individual vote and the Common Council passed the denial recommendation unanimously along with all the other items on the consolidated agenda.

Some human interest stories end not with a bang but with a whimper.

On the plus side, though, even if he didn’t get his bartender license, his place of employment is home to one of the more awesome murals in Appleton.

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