Municipal Services Committee Meeting Scheduled For 04/26/2021

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 04/26/2021 at 4:30PM.

They’ll be appointing a Vice-Chair as well as doing a few other organizational appointments.

They will then be voting on adopting the Downtown Appleton Streetscape Design Guide. Per the design guide, “This document was developed to provide design standards for the City of Appleton to create an accessible, cohesive, and desirable downtown streetscape network. This document provides holistic guidance for the organization and design of streetscapes, the placement and specification of site elements and lighting, and material selection for surfaces.”

They will also be voting on a couple street occupancy permits for businesses to place tables and chairs on College Avenue.

They will also be voting on a “Request for a permanent street occupancy permit for YMCA Ramp footings and foundations to extend into the Oneida Street, Lawrence Street, Morrison Street and Soldiers Square right-of-way no more than 5 feet.”

View full meeting details here:|&Search=

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