Alderperson Nate Wolff’s Invocation At 04/21/2021 Common Council Meeting – “I know that this City Council–this new one will continue to be encouraging to bring more community members into this community regardless of skin color, sexual orientation, etc”

At the 04/21/2021 Appleton Common Council meeting, Alderperson Nate Wolff (District 12) gave the invocation. I took his statement “when one person shows up and is hateful toward any community members, hundreds…will stand up and say that doesn’t belong in this city,” to be an oblique reference to the protest that happened outside the property on Richmond Street.

Mayor Woodford: “I now call to order the Wednesday April 21 meeting of the Appleton Common Council. Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Wolff.

Alderperson Wolff: “Thank you, Your Honor. So, we had a lot happen in the last two weeks. We had a lot happen in the last year. As you look around you, things are slowly getting back to normal. But it isn’t a normal day for many people in this country every day. Every day there seems to be another mass shooting, another act of hate, another act of violence against someone, um, whether that be one community or another. And with that, I am proud of Appleton. I am proud that we live in a city that consistently pushes for a better city for everyone to live in, and I’m very proud of this city because when one person shows up and is hateful towards any community member, hundreds of people if not thousands will stand up and say that that doesn’t belong in this city. I’m very proud of this city, uh, department heads for consistently being on the side of growth and making the city a better place to live. I appreciate everyone in this community and because everyone brings something different and makes it a better place. Um, yesterday, there was justice for George Floyd and I am very grateful that there was justice in that case. I couldn’t have gone this invocation without mentioning that. Because Black Lives Do Matter. As far as, uh, the way we go forward I know that this City Council–this new one will continue to be encouraging to bring more community members into this community regardless of skin color, orientation–sexual orientation–etc. And I thank you for your commitment to serve this Council.”

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