Board Of Education Meeting Scheduled For 04/12/2021

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 04/12/2021 at 6PM.

The big item of the night is a discussion and potential vote on “Potential Updates to Safe and Resilient Framework (Secondary Learning Model Options)”. 

The Policy Board Review Committee will also be presenting recommended language for a new policy regarding the naming and renaming of school buildings and facilities. This is a necessary step for them to be able to move forward with their plan to rename Lincoln Elementary to Ronald C. Dunlap Elementary – Home of the Lincoln Lions. This does not appear to be listed as an action item and, during the Policy Review Committee meeting, Superintendent Baseman mentioned having a board meeting in between the committee meeting and the actual vote, so it seems that this is only a discussion item at this point.

You can download the old policy and the proposed new policy here:

They will also be discussing and voting on North High School stadium naming rights.

And, of course, the leadership team will be giving the Safe and Resilient Return report.

View full meeting details here:

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