Board of Education Meeting Scheduled For 03/22/2021

The Board of Education is scheduled to meet 03/22/2012. They will meet in closed session starting at 5pm and then in open session at 6pm or as soon as the closed session is over, whichever is later.

The closed session will happen “pursuant to ss. 19.85(1)(e),(f), 118.125, and under the attorney-client privilege to review and discuss social or personal histories and/or specific charges concerning specific persons with legal counsel, as well as possible agreements to resolve any pending dispute and any related pupil information.”

Since the closed session appears to be student-related it is unlikely that we’ll be given a hint of what it was about once they return to open session.

The public input for the night may be interesting. They have updated the way they handle public input and will be taking live statements via Zoom. They will no longer be summarizing written comments during the meeting but will be posting them on Board Doc. The cutoff to sign up to speak live or submit written communication is 12pm on the date of the Board of Education meeting. (You can sign up or submit written comments here:

The Safe and Resilient Return Report will be given.

There will also be a report from the Policy Review Committee. They met on 03/09/2021 to update the school naming policy to allow renaming of buildings. [I will be interested to hear the report because no votes were taken during the meeting, no final language was settled on, and even after having watched the meeting it was unclear to me exactly what their specific plans were going forward.]

The Board will also be voting on the Start College Now/Early College Credit Program. This is a program that “allows students in grades 11 and 12 to take courses at institutions of higher learning at district expense to a maximum of 18 post-secondary credits”.

There are also some new hires, resignations, contract changes, and one administrative transfer.

View full meeting details here:

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