Alderperson William Siebers’ Invocation At 03/03/2021 Common Council Meeting – It Is My Most Sincere Prayer As We Begin This Meeting…That We May Prove Worthy Of The Confidence Placed In Us By Our Fellow Citizens

Alderperson William Siebers (District 1) gave the invocation at the 03/03/2021 Common Council meeting.

Mayor Woodford: “Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Siebers.”

William Siebers: “Thank you, your honor. Uh, with a prayer in part being an earnest wish or hope, it is my most sincere prayer as we begin this meeting and the days forward that we may prove worthy of the confidence placed in us by our fellow citizens. That we may be just and upright in our thinking and honest in all our actions. That we may not forget that everyone be they gay, straight, transgender, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Sikh, or Atheist is our neighbor. That we may not forget that from the earliest of times, leaders have been called on to respect and protect the least of those among us. That we may have the wisdom and courage to know and to do what is right. That we may not only be leaders but also servants, serving the common good of all. That we may speak out when it is time to speak and listen patiently and receptively when it is time to listen. And finally, that we may never forget or not forget to say “thank you” when standing in front of a department head, city employee, or you, Mayor, expecting that that person move mountains for us. Amen.”

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