Coronavirus Numbers For 03/07/2021

Coronavirus numbers for 03/07/2021. 0 confirmed cases and 7 probable. Active cases stayed the same. Cases out of isolation rose by 7. There were no new deaths.

The weekly totals look quite a bit different than usual. We only had 13 confirmed cases last week. At the same time, we had 54 probable cases which is 4 times the number of confirmed cases and double the number of probable cases the week before.

Until this last week, we’ve never had probable cases outnumber confirmed cases–much less by a 4 to 1 ratio. I don’t know if there has been a sudden shift in preference to antigen tests or if something else is driving this change.

At any rate, counting only confirmed cases, our 2 week burden is 113. Including probable cases in the calculation makes that increase to 219.

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