AASD Says Proposed Lincoln Elementary Name Change Isn’t About Removing Anyone, But They’ve Already Received 12 Calls To Remove Columbus Instead Of Or In Addition To Lincoln

In among all of the feedback the Appleton Area School District received regarding the proposal to rename Lincoln Elementary to Ronald C. Dunlap Elementary – Home of the Lincoln Lions, were 12 separate calls to rename Columbus Elementary instead of or in addition to renaming Lincoln Elementary. There were also calls to rename Stephen Foster Elementary, Jefferson, Elementary, and, inexplicably, McKinley Elementary. It’s an established, historical fact that Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin all owned slaves, and that Stephen Foster composed minstrel songs.

Quite frankly, I cannot picture a way that the AASD Policy Review Committee could create a policy that would allow the renaming of Lincoln Elementary school in this situation but not also open the door to renaming those four other schools, specifically, and, more generally, any and all the other schools. Indeed, if one commenter is to be believed, “there is already a community effort to change Columbus’ name.”

The Board of Education and the district Leadership Team may sincerely claim that renaming Lincoln Elementary is simply about honoring Mr. Dunlap and is not about removing someone, but that does not change the fact that there are community members who are actively hoping to remove some names from area school buildings and who are looking to this as a first step toward that further action.

Read all the comments suggesting or calling for the renaming of Columbus below:

“I am in favor of re-naming the school in honor of Mr. Dunlap as proposed. It is refreshing to see our schools named after educators from our own district who have improved the lives and educations of our students. While we are at it, lets also rename Stephen Foster (named after someone not from Appleton or Wisconsin, and who furthermore made money writing racist minstrel songs) and Columbus (named after a person who terrorized and killed the Indigenous People he encountered and who never came anywhere near Wisconsin or Appleton). Thank you for this initiative.”

“I think this is a fine idea. I would prefer that Columbus be renamed, but it makes complete sense to name the school that was home to Mr. Dunlap.”

“Abraham Lincoln is a major historical figure whose leadership of our country during an era of profound division should be honored. His determination to end chattel slavery in the US makes him our greatest president. Since Mr. Dunlap was committed to equality and diversity not just at Lincoln school but throughout the district and the community, he should be honored by having Columbus school named after him, not Lincoln. We should learn about Columbus but his genocidal campaign against the native people of the Americas should no longer be honored.”

“I am 100% in favor of the renaming of the school to what is proposed. It’s nice to honor the local heroes who have made a difference. I would also like the same thing done with Columbus School–it is time to rethink and rename that school because of our continued understanding of the “founding” of this country. Also rethink the names of Jefferson and McKinley as they were slave owners. There are many local people who ought to have schools named after them.”  [Note: William McKinley was born in 1843. The Emancipation Proclamation was enacted in 1862. McKinley grew up in Ohio which had abolished slavery in 1802, and his family held abolitionist beliefs.]

“I don’t know much about Mr. Dunlap, but I would suggest you consider changing the name of Columbus instead of Lincoln. I believe there is already a community effort to change Columbus’ name, and this could take care of two issues in one fell swoop.”

“I had never heard of him until today. I would rather see the Elementary School stay as Lincoln, a very important president and person in our nation’s history. I think it would be very appropriate to rename the library or a gymnasium where he taught after him, but not to name an entire school when our community did not know who this person is. I feel the meaning is lost when our community does not have a tie to the school. I have heard other member of our community talk about renaming Columbus Elementary and I feel like that would also be a much better option as he was definitely not as important to our nation as we once thought. I understand he taught at Lincoln, but if it’s about naming a school, I feel Columbus has such a diverse student/family population and would be a good fit.” 

“I teach world history. You’re renaming the wrong school. Columbus Elementary should be renamed. Our state has changed Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day and this is the perfect opportunity to drop the name of a man who never stepped foot on what is now the US. If you’d like more information on why Columbus should not be part of this district, I’d be happy to share with you. Thanks!”

“I would definitely would like to name “A School” the Ron Dunlap Elem. School! No matter how much we love Ron and all he did and he would probably agree! I don’t think we should get rid of the current Lincoln name to the school. What we should do as name the next new school The Ronald C. Dunlap Elem. There are other schools in our district not so prominently named like the following: Badger, Horizon, Highlands, and even Columbus could/should have it’s named changed. Historically speaking we have plenty of schools that should have their names reevaluated due to new evidence of racism, slave owning, and other facts of scandal attached to the current namesake. Ron was a visionary with an eye on the future of education for elementary kids. His name is only befitting of only the newest and state of the art facility a brand new school in the 21st century can provide! Leave Lincoln as named and build a new elementary school and name it Ronald C. Dunlap Elementary School.”

“Names matter, and the names of the schools in our community do not reflect the diverse populations who live here and attend school here, and they should. I am in favor of the proposed name change do help move in this direction. Please consider renaming Columbus elementary ASAP considering how controversial he is as a namesake. I appreciate your efforts on this!”

“I 100% support the honoring of such a great community leader and role model in our community by renaming a school for that honor. However, for someone who played a role in diversity, it doesn’t quite sit right with my husband and I that we would rename Lincoln vs Columbus or Jefferson. They both had slaves and by definition of “exemplary moral character” I’m left wondering why we would honor Columbus or Jefferson when Lincoln freed the slaves. Wouldn’t it be more of an honor to Dunlap to rename one of those schools with his name?”

“I support the name change. Please consider changing Columbus Elementary name as well. I do not feel the name Columbus is one of representation and advocacy for people of color like myself.”

“Wonderful idea to honor Ron Dunlap, but Lincoln merits a school as well. Rename Columbus, Highlands, or Horizons as Lincoln?”

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