The Library Board is meeting 03/18/2025 at 5PM in the Cornerstone Conference Room in the Appleton Public Library.
The action items look like fairly straightforward budget and policy related items. They will be voting on a number of Budget Year 2025 budget amendment requests and the 2025 library materials budget.
They will also be voting on an update to the City of Appleton Fringe Benefits Policy and updates to the Space Use Policy and Library Rental Fee Schedule.
As information items, they will be receiving updates on the new building and hiring. They will also review a report on the Wisconsin Library Association Legislative Day and review the Library Trustee Annual Calendar.

The conference room has recording capabilities; however, I found the last meeting to be petty unwatchable due to the low quality of the audio. I emailed Library Director Colleen Rortvedt about that and she said, “We used a temporary set up with an Owl device for this month because there are some remaining AV elements to be installed, including the room’s microphone system and cameras. They should be completed next week, and we will make sure to test before the next library board meeting to be sure that doesn’t happen again.”
So, this meeting should be the first meeting that is recorded on the new equipment, which I for one am looking forward to seeing.
View full meeting details here:
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