Board of Health Meeting Scheduled For 02/10/2021

The Board of Health is meeting on 02/10/2021 at 7am.

They will be voting on a rental agreement for the city to use the Expo Center as a vaccination clinic. The agreement calls for Appleton to pay $19,000 per month for use of the facility in February and March. The agreement states that $7500.00 per day would be the normal industry standard. Also included in the agreement is that a “cleaning fee of $100.00 per hour will be assessed to return the facility to its original condition”.

There will also be a Covid update.

The Board will also be reviewing the customer service surveys regarding the inspections performed by the Department of Health’s Environmental division and Weights and Measures division.

I noticed regarding the environmental inspections one less than satisfied business owner stated “Health inspector Michelle is always extremely rude and unprofessional” while another more satisfied business owner claimed that “Michelle has always been very helpful and courteous.”

For some reason, I suddenly have the urge to watch “Rashomon”.

Reviews of the mysterious inspector Michelle

View full meeting details here:|&Search=

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