Safety And Licensing Committee Approves Mutual Aid Agreements Between Appleton Fire Department And Kimberly, Grand Chute – Fire Chief Hansen Lays Out Plan To Cover Entire City With Mutual Aid Agreements

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/24/2024. Two of the items they took up were mutual aid agreements between the Appleton Fire Department and the Kimberly Fire Department and the Grand Chute Fire Department.

Both agreements were recommended unanimously for approval by the committee.

I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download:

The discussion was brief. Fire Chief Jeremy Hansen told the committee that the Fire Department was in the process of updating all it’s mutual aid agreements with an aim toward covering the entire city with automatic aid agreements. The reason for this was because, right now, if there is a confirmed structure fire in Appleton, all of the fire units response and there are no units left to respond to other issues. Making sure that an additional unit from a neighboring municipality was on scene would free up an Appleton unit to respond to other medical or fire calls that come in while the initial structure fire is being handled.

The agreements before the committee, were structured so that if a confirmed structure fire occurs in certain areas of the city the Grand Chute Fire Department or the Kimberly Fire Department will automatically send an engine company to help fight that fire. Likewise, if a confirmed structure fire occurs in certain areas of those municipalities Appleton automatically responds.

Chief Hansen said that they would be bringing additional mutual aid agreements forward in the next couple months between Appleton and Little Chute, Neenah/Menasha, and Fox Crossing.

View full meeting details and video here:

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