Downtown Parking Facility Study Resolution Referred Back To Municipal Services Committee For Second Look

It looks like we will have to wait until 2024 to find out what happens with Resolution 15-R-23, the Parking Facilities and Management Study Resolution. If passed, this resolution would direct city staff to seek the services of a consultant to help them conduct a study of the city’s publicly-owned parking assets, help them determine best management practices, and create a strategic plan for the parking facilities, a plan that could potentially include the sale or lease of the city-owned parking ramps.

The Municipal Services Committee voted 3-1 to recommend the resolution for denial, and several alderpersons expressed opposition to researching the possibility of privatizing the parking ramps.

At the 12/20/2023 Common Council meeting, Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) requested that the item be referred back to the committee for further discussion. She noted that she had been unable to attend the committee meeting where it had been discussed because she had been delayed on her way back from vacation. The next Municipal Services Committee meeting should be 01/08/2024.

View full meeting details and video here:

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