Municipal Services Committee Meeting 12/11/2023 – Will Take Up Overnight On-Street Parking Resolution, Parking Facility Study Resolution, 2024 Department Of Public Works Fee Schedule

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 12/11/2023 at 4:30PM.

They have a full agenda. That includes two resolutions.

They will be taking up Resolution 11-R-23 which if passed would allow overnight parking on city streets with the purchase of a parking permit. This resolution was held at the 10/24/2023 committee meeting in order to provide staff time to review it and provide a recommendation.

City staff reviewed the resolution and provided a 4-page memo outlining a number of issues that should be kept in mind if the Council goes ahead and allowed on street overnight parking, those considerations included the need for additional staff members to implement the program and to enforce on-street parking rules strictly in order to keep City operations on schedule. The memo also indicates that the Department of Public Works would experience multiple operational impacts including to street sweeping, leaf collection, trash collection, and snow and ice removal.

Ultimately, city staff did not provide a recommendation but asked for additional guidance from the committee and asked for the item to be held until further analysis could be completed.

They will also be taking up Resolution 15-R-23 which called for the city to conduct a parking facility and management study.

The committee will be voting on updates to the Department of Public Works 2024 Fee schedule. Those updates include $100 increases to street excavation permits, a $7 increase to tire collection fees, and increased of $0.10-$0.50 for weekly garbage can fees. It also seems to include the removal of several miscellaneous fees including those related to sign permits, the Board of Appeals, and the Board of Building Inspection.

The committee will also be voting on request to change the intersection traffic control at Tonka Street/Vine Street as well as at Plaza Drive/Fountain Avenue and to approve a parking restriction change on the 200 block of W Prospect Avenue.

View full meeting details here:

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