Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 08/09/2023 – Will Conduct Alcohol License Suspension Hearing For Speakeasy Ultra, Vote For Second Time On Gold Cross Ambulance Service Agreement

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 08/09/2023 at 5:30PM.

They will be, once again, taking up the Fire Department Service Agreement for Gold Cross Ambulance. This was previously approved by the committee but then referred back to the committee for further discussion by Alderperson William Siebers (District 1) who had concerns about the staffing levels on the ambulances.

The committee will also conduct an Alcohol Licenses Suspension hearing for Speakeasy Ultra Lounge. Speakeasy is facing a 10-day license suspension as a result of having accrued 150 alcohol license demerit points due to having two semi-nude “go-go dancers” performing inside the bar. This would be the second license suspension voted on by the Safety and Licensing Committee this year, following the Chadwick’s Bar suspension voted on in April.

The committee will also be voting on a couple alcohol license applications as well as a Fire Department contract with the Department of Military Affairs for Radiological Field Team Services. [I mean, it’s good to be prepared, but one hopes that there is not a specific concern that Appleton is at a heightened risk of experiencing a radiological or nuclear incident.]

Finally, the committee will be receiving several information items including the regular directors reports as well as information on recent alcohol violation convictions. It looks like Appleton Clark gas station and Sai Ram restaurant both received 80 demerit points for dispensing alcohol to minors.

[The Appleton Clark gas station has actually accrued a total of 160 demerit points which would put it in license suspension territory; however, during the 06/26/2023 Safety and Licensing Committee meeting it was discussed that state law only allowed demerits related to selling alcohol to minors to count toward a suspension if there are two such violations within one year, so they may not actually be facing suspension at this time.]

View full meeting details here:

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