Board Of Health Receives Update On Dangerous Animal Declaration – After Owner Tries To Circumvent Rules, Dangerous Husky Taken To Shelter And Scheduled To Be Euthanized

The Board of Health met 06/14/2023. One of the information items they received was an update on a Prohibited Animal Declaration.

I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download.

Back at the 05/10/2023 Board of Health meeting, the board had received updates on a number of Dangerous Animal Declarations. One of those was for a husky named Ghost who had attacked other dogs as well as a human across several incidents. As a result, Ghost was declared a dangerous animal and his owner, Sean, was ordered to comply with Section 3-132 of the city’s municipal code, which essentially requires dangerous animals to be leashed and muzzled any time they are not securely confined indoors or in a securely enclosed and locked pen or kennel that is located on the premises of the owner or caretaker.

During the 06/14/2023 meeting, Health Office Charles Sepers reported that, instead of complying with the dangerous animal declaration, Ghost had been either sold or given to someone else and then renamed Sasha as a way to fly under the radar. The attempt to circumvent the declaration was discovered, and the dog had been taken to a local shelter where it was schedule to be euthanized.

Board member Lee Vogel asked if there was a penalty for the owners to have try to circumvent the law, but Health Officer Sepers did not know what citations may have been issued.

Mayor Woodford suggested that it would be helpful to have the city’s Humane Officer attend a future Board of Health meeting and talk through the process of dealing with dangerous animals given that questions had come up both at this meeting and the May meeting regarding the enforcement of city code pertaining to dangerous animals.

View full meeting details and video here:

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