Common Council Meeting Scheduled For 01/20/2021

The Common Council is meeting 01/20/2021 at 7pm.

There will be a Covid update and the mayor will be presenting 3 proclamations. As I posted about yesterday, he proclaimed 01/18/2021 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in Appleton. He also proclaimed Jan 18-Jan 22 2021 to be Kiwani Week in Appleton. He also proclaimed Jan 11, 2021 Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

The mayor will also be presenting Board and Committee appointments. Of special note is the fact that Amanda Stuck will be serving on the Appleton Redevelopement Authority. She had been the state Assembly Representative for District 57 but opted not to run again and instead sought a seat in Congress. However, she was not successful in unseating Mike Gallagher, so it appears she’s helping out at the local level now.

Alderpersons are also presenting 2 resolutions for referral to committee. The first is a resolution that would allow Accessory Dwelling Units to be built on all properties zoned single-family. The second is a resolution calling for a city wide advisory referendum on the creation of a non-partisan redistricting procedure to be placed on the April 6 ballot.

[There were so many calls for a city-wide advisory referendum on the library project and the expo center, and I seem to recall those requests were dismissed with the reasoning that we elect representatives to make these decisions. I’m not sure why that same reasoning doesn’t apply in this situation also. Appleton elected Lee Snodgrass who will represent our interests in this matter. While I don’t care one way or the other about whether this particular referendum in and of itself is put on the April ballot, I do hope it signals a new willingness by our city government to seek the public’s input on matters of import–particularly matters more local than statewide redistricting procedures.]

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