Utilities Committee Meeting 01/10/2022 – Will Discuss The “Polymer Incident” Of 2022

The Utilities Committee is meeting 01/10/2023 at 4:30PM.

They have two action items on the agenda one requesting approval for a sole source purchase of an axial flow pump for $133,876 and one requesting approval of a axial flow sludge blending pump impeller repair contract for $23,000.

They will also be receiving two items of information.

The first information item pertains to the “Polymer Incident of December 26, 2023.” [I assume they actually meant the Polymer Incident of *2022*.] You may recall the local news reporting at the time that the city’s wastewater treatment anaerobic digester had to be taken offline due to an excess amount of liquid polymer obstructing the pipes. [I’m sure we all remember this happening and will be telling our grandchildren stories about how we lived through the 2022 Boxing Day Polymer Incident.]

Per the memo to the committee, “Without digestion, the solids produced will have to be disposed of in a landfill. […] Plant remediation efforts to date include inventorying, isolating, and removing the product from process equipment. Treatment assessments and repairs are underway with staff and contractors.”

Finally, the committee will be receiving the November 2022 Water Main Break/Joint Leak Report. As of the end of the November 2022 the city had identified 108 leaks as compared to 122 in 2021.

View full meeting details here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=1065111&GUID=FD5140FC-27C7-4C1C-B090-D219FAA55BBA

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