How Readers Can Support All Things Appleton

From time to time, readers reach out to me, thank me for the service I provide through All Things Appleton, and ask if there’s any way to support the work I am doing. While I very much appreciate the kind words, I did not create All Things Appleton with the intention of making money from it. Rather, I created it because I am very interested in local government and feel it’s important for the business and actions of local government to be easily accessible to residents. Basically, I wanted to know what was going on in Appleton, and I thought other people might like know what was going on also.

Having said that, it turns out that, through November 1st, there is a way you can support All Things Appleton if you so desire.

By following the referral link below, you could purchase either a Daily Wire membership at 35% off or a Jeremy’s Razors shave kit with a $12 discount, and I could win a McLaren 600LT Spider.

Best case scenario, I win a $290,000 sports car that I can cruise down College Avenue and get ticketed for by Appleton’s new traffic safety officer. Worst case scenario, I get nothing which I already have and am content with. In either case, you would have the opportunity to get $12 off a shave kit from a weird revenge-joke-taken-to-the-absolute-limit razor company or check out the Daily Wire’s premium content at a discounted 35% off.

If you’re conservative, doing this will make you feel good and give you the opportunity to watch all the content behind the Daily Wire paywall including a number of movies and documentaries. If you’re a liberal, it will give you extra opportunity to rage at right-wing commentators and mock Ben Shapiro’s new beard for a month or two before canceling your newly purchased membership. And for those in the middle, maybe it will provide another perspective and a nice shave.

So, again, if you would like to support All Things Appleton, do your best to win me an impractical $290,000 sports car by following the referral link below and purchasing a Jeremy’s Razors shave kit for $12 off or by purchasing or upgrading a Daily Wire membership at 35% off.

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