Safety And Licensing Committee Discusses String Of Alcohol Law Violations

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 09/28/2022. During that meeting, they received an update on a number of alcohol law violations. 5 Appleton establishments received 80 point violations for selling alcohol to minors.

Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) wondered why they were seeing all of a sudden [usually there aren’t any alcohol law violations to report] and asked if the police department had created a sting operation.

Chief Todd Thomas said that it was not a new sting operation but rather part of the regular checks the police department does. They have a regular cycle of checking every licensed business every so often during the year. This string of violations happened at a time when the police department had been checking a lot of businesses.

Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9) asked if they were sending in some undercover to see if a sale to a minor happened, and Police Chief Thomas confirmed that it what they were doing.

View full meeting details and video here:

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