Parks And Recreation Committee Meeting 07/25/2022 – Will Discuss Request To Relocate Trout Museum Of Art To Ellen Kort Peace Park

The Parks and Recreation Committee is meeting 07/25/2022 at 6:30PM.

There are two action items on the agenda.

The first is a fairly straightforward request to approve a contract for just under $50,000 to purchase shade structures for Jones Park.

The second looks like it will probably result in a longer and more involved discussion than the first. It is a request to engage in further discussions with Trout Museum of Art representatives in order to continue exploring the feasibility of locating the museum within Ellen Kort Peace Park and, if feasible, further develop plans and agreements for subsequent approval by the Common Council during future steps in the process.

The building next to Houdini Plaza where the Trout Museum is currently located is going needs to be renovated but the costs to do so are prohibitive. The museum’s search committee has explored several alternative locations in Appleton, and they believe Ellen Kort Peace Park is the ideal location. On June 13, 2022 they presented a concept and request to the city to relocate the Trout Museum of Art to Ellen Kort Peace Park, but there are a number of issues and conditions that would have to be dealt with in order to enact this plan.

The agenda also includes two information items.

The first is the 2022 Reid Golf Course Participation, Revenue, and Expense Report. It looks like, despite having the season start later in the year as compared to last year, 2022 revenue is only $11,000 behind where it was at this time last year.

The second is the Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Mid-Year Report.

View full meeting details here:

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