Municipal Services Committee Meeting 07/25/2022 – Will Vote On Assessment Waiver Request, Variance Request For Driveway Extension; Receive Mid-Year Report, June E-Scooter Update

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 07/25/2022 at 4:30PM. While there’s nothing earth-shattering on the agenda, it is fairly heavy with 6 action items and 4 information items.

A couple action items of interest are…

(1) A request from a business to have their street snow removal assessments waived. [Over the last couple years, there have been a few requests to waive assessments for removing things like snow and tires. None of them were successful, and it seems like there’s a pretty high bar that would need to be met in order to have such an assessment waived.

(2) A request from a resident for a variance for a driveway widened more than 4 feet into the front yard. It looks like the original driveway widening was done without a permit and the Inspection Department has now asked them to correct the issue by (a) obtaining a permit for the driveway extension and (b) either removing the extension or getting a variance for it.

(3) The evaluation of the Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) at the Meade Street / Wisconsin Avenue intersection. The APS was originally installed based on the formal request of a legally blind resident who felt the intersection was too complicated to confidently cross without the APS assistance. City staff felt an APS system was warranted at this location and that the one which was installed has operated very well during the first year. Staff is recommending that the system remain in place at this location indefinitely and is also making some recommendations on how to evaluate the need for APS systems in the future and deal with future requests for APS installations.

Information items of interesting include…

(1) The BIRD E-scooter monthly report for June. It looks like accidents are up to 6 during the first 3 months of what will probably end up being a 7-month trial period. This compares to 4 accidents during the full 6-month trial last year. Complaints, however, are down quite a bit compared to last year.

(2) The 2022 Mid-Year Performance Report.

View full meeting details here:

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