Common Council Meeting Scheduled For 01/06/2021

The Common Council is meeting 01/06/2021 at 7pm.

As per usual, there will be a Covid Update, but there does not appear to be any mayoral proclamations.

Amongst other things on the agenda is an ordinance regarding rezoning the Refuge property from a Public Institutional District to a Neighborhood Mixed Use District. The City Plan Commission recommended that change be approved, but now the Refuge has submitted a letter asking for the decision to be postponed until the 02/17 Common Council meeting. Given that the recommendation was to approve the change, one wonders why they want to postpone the vote.

The Council will also be voting on budget amendments related to various Covid grants the city has received.

There’s also a request to approve a utility cabinet related to TDS’s ongoing 5G project.

View full meeting details here:|&Search=

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