Common Council Approves Alcohol License Application For Mill City Public House

Things seem to be progressing nicely for Mill City Public House. Back in March, they had to apply for a special use permit for their establishment because the previous special use permit only ran with the Elks Club that had formerly occupied their building.

On 04/27/2022 the Safety and Licensing Committee approved their application for a Class “B” Beer and “Class B” Liquor License, and on 05/04/2022 the Common Council also approved that license application.

Rusty Leary the general manager and co-owner of Mill City Public House has appeared at most if not all of the meetings in which Mill City Public House items have appeared and made himself available to answer any questions that might come up. Similarly, he appeared at the 05/04/2022 Common Council meeting.

He told the Council that he got involved with the Mill City project a little after its inception. Getting their liquor license had turned out to be a bit more complicated that simply passing a background check and they had to go through a couple of steps. He wanted to publicly recognize Director Karen Harkness and Principal Planner Don Harp from the Community and Economic Development Department, Supervisor Kurt Craanen in Inspections, Erica Ziegert a support specialist in the City Clerk’s Office, and Alderperson Kristin Alfheim (District 11) all of whom made themselves available one or multiple times to answer his questions.

He and the Mill City Public House crew were excited to open and be downtown and couple wait to welcome everyone for Happy Hour.

The alcohol license application was separated out for an individual vote. There were no issues. None of the Common Council members had any questions, and the license was approved 15-0.

It looks like Mill City Public House is planning to open fairly soon and with an opening time of Spring 2022 listed on their website. They have also posted on their Facebook page that they are currently accepting applications.

[It would probably unnecessarily bog the process down if every license or permit applicant showed up and made statements at the meetings where their applications were being considered, but I still do appreciate when business owners cross all their Ts and dot all there is and show up to meetings to make sure questions get answered and things go smoothly. I suspect it probably indicates that they’re going to be scrupulous and focused on all the other areas of running a business as well.]

View full meeting details and video here:

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