Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 03/26/2025 – Will Take Up Resolution Calling For Creation Of Anti-Truancy Ordinance

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 03/26/2025 at 5:30PM.

They will be taking up Resolution 3-R-25 which, if approved as written, would “enact an ordinance prohibiting a person under 18 years of age from being a habitual truant” and keep this ordinance in place “for a trial period of four school semesters, starting in the fall of 2025, after which time, a review of the success of the ordinance will be made by the City of Appleton, Outagamie County, and AASD with suggested, needed and agreed on changes being made.”

They will also be voting on a request from the Police Department to approve a sole source request for the Axon Air/DroneSense program. Per the memo, this program “offers a range of features, including the ability to operate various sUAS both in-person and remotely, live streaming footage to officers and stakeholders, providing an operational map view of devices in use, ensuring deconfliction with manned aircraft, logging all flights for future reference, creating custom training programs, establishing a maintenance schedule, and managing equipment use and operator proficiency.” There were no other comparable programs, hence the sole source nature of the request.

The cost is $42,322.16 for 46 ½ months of service which is not quite 4 years. The estimated contract start date is 03/15/2025 so this would take the city roughly through the end of 2028.

They will also be voting on a number of license applications.

As an information item they will be receiving the Police Department’s 2024 Annual Report.

View full meeting details here:

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