Unclear What Sources AASD Is Using For Decision-Making On Sex-Based Vs. Gender-Based Rights, School District Does Not Seem To Provide Any Publicly Accessible Information On How Students Can Maintain Sex-Based Privacy

As previously posted, President Donald Trump’s recent executive orders and the changes in regulations pertaining to Title IX protections have resulted in little change within AASD. Although AASD has paused enforcement of the Title IX policy it put in place at the prompting of the […]

City Plan Commission Unanimously Approves Placement Of Selfie Sculpture In Houdini Plaza – Discussion Emphasizes That Piece Is Not Intended To Be “Fine Art”

The City Plan Commission met 03/12/2025. The item they spent the most time discussing was the request from Appleton Downtown Inc (ADI) to install a selfie-sculpture or selfie-station in Houdini Plaza. Jennifer Stephany, ADI’s executive director, stressed that the sculpture was not intended to be […]