Alderperson Denise Fenton’s Invocation At 03/05/2025 Common Council Meeting – “My wish for us in this time of fear and uncertainty is that we can be like Frodo, who accepts his assignment saying, ‘I will do now what I must.'”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alder Fenton. Please rise. Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6): Good evening. I usually ask to give an invocation during Women’s History Month. And although the theme for this year “Moving Forward Together – Women Educating and Inspiring […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Votes 3-1 With 1 Abstention To Approve Houdini Plaza Selfie Sculpture – Discusses Purpose, Value, And Location Of “Selfie Station”

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 03/10/2025. One of the items they took up was the request from Creative Downtown Appleton, Inc to install a selfie sculpture in Houdini Plaza. There was some discussion about the purpose and value of the piece as well as […]