Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 03/12/2024 – Will Vote On Requests To Deny Two Commercial Solicitation Licenses For Door-To-Door Vacuum Sales

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 03/12/2025 at 5:30PM.

In addition to several routine license applications, they will be voting on two commercial solicitation licenses that city staff are requesting be denied.

The first is a Commercial Solicitation Company License for Yanda Distribution LLC. The company is a door-to-door Kirby vacuum sales company. The Weights and Measures Department is requesting that the company be denied a license to conduct sales operations in Appleton due to a past incident of salesmen engaging in high pressure sales tactics as well as multiple solicitors operating without a license.

The second is an individual Commercial Solicitation license for Kagan Whiting, one of Yanda Distribution’s vacuum salesmen. The Police Department is asking that the application be denied due to Mr. Whiting’s criminal history which includes convictions for disorderly conduct and resisting or obstructing an officer, three counts of 4th degree sexual assault, and possession of drug paraphernalia.

View full meeting details here:

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