The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 03/10/2025 at 6PM.
They will be voting to approve 2025 Summer School courses. These courses include enrichment opportunities at the elementary and middle school level and both enrichment and credit recovery opportunities at the high school level.
They will also be receiving information on the final debt issuance related to the 2022 referendum which approved $129.8 worth of debt. In 2023, they issued $90 million worth of debt, in 2024 they issued an additional $14.8 million, and now they need to issue the remaining $25 million. Of note, the memo on issuing this final debt mentions the possibility of AASD wanting to go to referendum to seek more debt in the next few years.

Finally, they will be reviewing proposed updates to several Board policies and also reviewing contract renewals for Kaleidoscope Academy and Appleton Public Montessori.
View full meeting details here:
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