Common Council Votes 12-0 To Make College Avenue Lane Changes Permanent – One Downtown Business Owner Voices Opposition, States Changes Resulted In 20-30% Decrease In Business

The Common Council met 03/05/2025. One of the items separated out for a vote was the request to make permanent the College Avenue lane reconfiguration in downtown Appleton. College Avenue used to have two lanes of traffic going each way. In July of 2023, the […]

Appleton Public Arts Committee Votes In Favor Of Locator Pin Selfie Sculpture To Be Placed In Houdini Plaza

The Appleton Public Arts Committee met 03/05/2025. The one action item on their agenda was a request from Creative Downtown Appleton to install a selfie sculpture in Houdini Plaza. The committee voted unanimously to approve this request. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for […]