Municipal Services Committee Approves All Items 5-0 Including Updated DPW Fee Schedule, Parking Changes Near High-Complaint Meade/Glendale Intersection

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/24/2025. Most of the meeting was taken up with a review and vote on the College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration project, but they also took up several other items including an update to the Department Of Public Works Fee Schedule for 2025.

I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download:

25-0100 APPROVE 2025 DPW FEE SCHEDULE: The updated fee schedule included increases of between $0.05 and $0.15 per week for garbage containers as well as the addition of a $70 Water Tap Inspection Fee.

Director of Public Works Laura Jungwirth explained that the increases to the garbage containers was essentially a pass-through charge resulting from Outagamie County having increased its tipping fee from $54 per ton to $60 per ton. The city anticipated that increase would cost approximately $115,000 per year which equaled the amount they expected to bring in through the increased garbage container fees.

The $70 water tap inspection fee was a fee that was charged to inspect the water connection on a new home. The city had already been charging this fee through the Inspections Department but it was actually a Public Works charge, so they wanted to place it in the correct fee schedule.

25-0166 APPROVE CONTRACT AMENDMENT/CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TO THE OLDE ONEIDA STREET BRIDGE OVER THE POWER CANAL: This change increased the design services contract with the Wisconsin Department of transportation by $12,614.13 bringing total design costs to $120,287.13. Per Public Works Deputy Director Pete Neuberger, the WI DOT wanted to change some construction methodology on the bridge. The changes resulted in increased design costs but those costs would be offset by decreased construction costs resulting from the design change. He confirmed that the change in construction method would not negatively impact the integrity, safety, or durability of the bridge project.

25-0170 APPROVE SINGLE SOURCE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION RELATED SERVICES CONTRACT WITH AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES INC. FOR OLDE ONEIDA STREET BASCULE BRIDGE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $308,787: This pertained to the second bridge on Olde Oneida Street. The reason for the sole source contract was because AECOM currently had a 5-year contract to provide consulting services for the Lawe Street and Olde Oneida Street bascule bridges. Additionally, AECOM has performed inspections and consulting services for this bridge as far back as 2004.

25-0169 PARKING CHANGES RELATED TO GLENDALE/MEADE SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS: The Glendale/Meade intersection has had undesignated lanes on Glendale Avenue which, while allowing flexibility, has resulted in drivers going straight in both lanes even though there’s only one lane to receive them on the other side of the intersection and has resulted in a lot of complaints. The city plans to designate the lanes with a left turn lane and a straight/right-turn lane. They believe this is in line with the desires of the area residents and will result in decreased complaints.

The change would result in the loss of four on-street parking spots which were frequently used by the auto shop located near that intersection, but the business owner had informed Alderperson Chris Croatt (District 14), the representative for the area, that he was okay with the changes.

25-0167 PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION 1-P-25 FOR SANITARY LATERALS, STORM LATERLAS, AND STORM MAIN CONSTRUCTION BE ADOPTED: This will allow the city to levy special assessments for the underground utility work being done on Alexander Street, Bell Avenue, Bellaire Court, Durkee Street, Lawe Street, and Melrose Avenue.

25-0168 PRELIMINARY REOSLUTION 2-P-25 FOR CONCRETE PAVEMENT, DRIVEWAY APRONS, AND SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION BE ADOPTED: This will also the city to levy special assessments on various properties on the north side of the city who are receiving initial concrete pavement, sidewalks ,and driveway aprons on Aquamarine Avenue, Baldeagle court, Baldeagle Drive, Denali Road, Golden Gate Drive, Harrier Court, Osprey Drive, Peregrine Boulevard, Rubyred Drive, Cherryvale Avenue, Providence Avenue, and Perkins Street.

All of the items were approved by 5-0 votes of the Municipal Services Committee.

View full meeting details and video here:

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