The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 02/12/2025 at 5:30PM.
The first item on the agenda is the alcohol license for Delaires. This item has been before the Safety and Licensing Committee since October and has been held multiple times as the committee tries to ascertain whether or not the owner intends to install illegal gambling machines on the premises.
While the owner, David Boulanger, has denied he has such intentions, he tried to open an illegal gambling lounge in Grafton, a contractor working on his business told the salon owner next door that the business was going to offer gambling, Mr. Boulanger’s brother-in-law runs a business in West Bend that advertises gambling machines and this business is one that Mr. Boulanger has pointed to as a model for board game lounge he plans to open in Appleton, and when people in Appleton started voicing concerns about the prospect of Delaire’s offering illegal gambling, Mr. Boulanger hired an attorney who has specific knowledge of the loopholes in Wisconsin’s laws regarding gambling.
During the last meeting of the committee, city staff reported that they had been able to identify the contractor who had told the next door salon owner that Mr. Boulanger intended to install gambling machines on the premises. The committee held the item in order to give the Police Department time to interview the contractor, an individual named Chad. Per the memo to the committee from Lieutenant Ben Goodin, “Chad stated David asked him to set up some electrical outlets in the business and while David did not explicitly say he was going to have gambling machines, Chad said it was understood that the gambling machines were being installed. Chad mentioned that David had other establishments he ran that also had gambling machines. Chad stated he would cooperate with the Safety and Licensing Committee if they needed any further information from him.”

They will also be voting on Resolution 1-R-25 which, if passed as written, would signal the Common Council’s endorsement of the Appleton Fire Department’s application to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to increase the Appleton Fire Department’s medical service level to Paramedic Non-Transport.

They will also be voting on some routine license applications.
As information items the committee will be receiving updates on recent alcohol establishment demerit points violations. Home Burger Bar and the Skyline Comedy Club each received 40 demerit points for having no license operators on the premises.
View full meeting details here:
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