The Community Development Committee is meeting 02/12/2025 at 4:30PM.
They will be holding a public hearing and then voting on a request to approve the preliminary 2025-2026 Community Development Block Grant allocations to community partners. These preliminary allocations were set by the CDBG Advisory Board and now need to be approved by the Community Development Committee before going on to the full Council.
The committee will also be voting on a request to for an extension of the completion date and minimum assessed value date for the redevelopment taking place at the former Chase Bank building on College Avenue. Under the original development agreement, the completion date and minimum assessed value date was 01/01/2025. The developer would like to extend that by a year to 01/01/2026.

Per a letter from the developer “We hoped to be completed already but have run into some delays with gaining access to the Chase Bank space for the necessary sprinkler, electric and plumbing work. In addition, our electrical switch gear has been delayed. We knew this would be a hurdle and ordered the gear approximately 12 months ago. The latest update is that we should receive this in March.”

They will also be voting on a request to create and approve deed restrictions and covenants for Southpoint Commerce Park Plat Number 4. This looks to be routine and in-line with the restrictions associated with previous plats in the commerce park.

Finally, they have two items related to the Thrivent development. One is a request to approve entering into a cost reimbursement agreement with Thrivent “for an initial amount of $100,000 to fund Tax Incremental District (TID) creation/fiscal consulting, engineering-related consulting and other City consulting services”. Per the memo from staff, “Given the complexity of the project and need for consultants, the City has negotiated a cost reimbursement agreement with Thrivent, providing funds (an initial $100,000) for this and other City-consulting services deemed necessary for the evaluation and planning phase of the project. The agreement is structured to fund TID/fiscal consulting and engineering related consulting services and allows the City to independently hire consultants to represent the City’s best interests.”
The consultant they ended up settling on was Ehlers which ties into the second Thrivent-related item which is a request to award a contract to Ehlers for $14,000 for Tax Incremental District creation services and further fiscal analysist services to be billed at $325/hour.

View full meeting details here:
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