The Board of Health is meeting 02/12/2025 at 7AM.
They will vote voting on a request to update the city’s Noise Ordinance. Per the memo from staff, “The proposed updates are designed to modernize the ordinance and align it with current practices, while also improving its effectiveness in addressing noise-related concerns in our community.”

As part of that update, city staff would also like to update the fines associated with violations. Under the new proposed rules, a first violation would have a $263.50 fine, a second violation would have a $389.50 fine, and third and subsequent violations would have fines of $767.50 per violation.

Finally, the Board will be hearing an appeal of a dangerous animal declaration. Appleton Police Department Humane Officer Matt Fillebrown issued a Dangerous Animal Declaration against a lab-mix named Chewy. Per the declaration Chewy attacked a child in the family “causing severe facial damage that needed stitches to close the wounds at a hospital. This attack was determined to be an unprovoked animal attack.”

The owner maintains that the attack was not unprovoked but was rather prompted by the actions of his 5-year-old son, who suffered the attack after he hit the dog on the nose. He indicates that his son has been rough with Chewy; in fact, the officer who initially investigated the attack noted in his report that the owner told him his son “will frequently bother Chewie to the point where the Chewie will nip back […] but in a defensive/reactive manner.”
The owner believes that Officer Fillebrown’s interpretation of the event is incorrect and states that both the original investigating officer and the Outagamie County Humane Officer both “agree that Matt has missed the mark on this one and see no evidence that would warrant the actions Matt Fillebrown is intent on taking.”
As information items, the board will be receiving the 2024 4th quarter report and reviewing the January 2025 Health Department newsletter.
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