The Common Council is meeting 02/05/2025 at 7PM.
There are a few items on the agenda that stand out as noteworthy.
Katherine applied for a bartender/operator license. She has a history of OWI, but she also potentially has documentation of her release from probation which by state statute the city would be required to accept as proof of her rehabilitation and would then be required to approve the license.
During the 01/22/2025 Safety and Licensing Committee meeting, she did not have the official documentation that the committee would be required to accept but she had other documentation that suggested the official documentation existed. The committee voted 4-1 to recommend her license application be approved with the expectation that she would provide the additional official documentation of her successful completion of probation by the time of the Common Council meeting.
The request to approve a resolution for emergency sodium hypochlorite tank replacement at the Appleton Water Treatment Facility is the subject of a special meeting of the Finance Committee prior to the Common Council. The three tanks are over 20 years old, markedly beyond their 15-year life expectancy.

City staff is requesting permission to use $134,180 of grant money to purchase an electric vehicle for the city and install a charging station for it. The grant was originally applied for with the intention of using it to pay for the installation of solar panels associated with the Library Project, but the federal government denied that use. As a result, they would like to keep the money and use it for the aforementioned purchase of an electric vehicle.

Finally, the Common Council may go into closed session “for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating items related to the potential investment of public funds for a development project on the city’s north side.”
View full meeting details here:
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