The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 01/27/2025 at 6PM.
Probably of most interest to the public, they will be voting on which school to send Columbus Elementary School students to for the 2025-26 school year after Columbus Elementary has been shut down as a neighborhood school. The AASD Leadership Team presented three options to community members and based on feedback received they are now recommending to the Board that three areas of the city be placed in the Edison Elementary School attendance area beginning with the 2025-26 school year.
Those areas are:
- The entire Columbus Elementary School attendance area.
- The Franklin Elementary School attendance area that is south of Wisconsin Avenue.
- The Dunlap Elementary School attendance area that is east of Richmond Street.
The Board will also be voting on the adoption of a new policy pertaining to electronic communication and record keeping for Board members. The policy lays out the expectation that Board members are expected to adhere to the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law and sets some guidelines around their use of electronic mail.
View full meeting details here:
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