The Safety and Licensing Committee met 01/08/2025. One of the items on their agenda was the license revocation for Speakeasy Ultra Lounge.

Appleton’s Municipal Code requires the revocation of the alcohol license for any establishment that accumulates 200 or more demerit points within a 36-month period, and Speakeasy had 295. These were related to two separate incidents. In May of 2024, the bar was assessed 145 demerit points for a violent interaction that took place between a bar bouncer and a patron in which the bouncer dragged the patron out of the bar and kicked him in the face while he was lying face down on the ground, did not pose any threat, and was not fighting. These demerit points came on top of the 150 demerit points the establishment was assessed back in 2023 after an incident in which two semi-nude dancers performed for money in the bar during an event. (These demerit points come on top of the 150 demerit points the establishment was assessed back in 2023 after an incident in which two semi-nude dancers performed for money in the bar during an event.
During the 12/11/2024 committee meeting, the business owner indicated that he was in the process of selling the business and asked for the committee to hold off on revoking his license so that he could complete the sale and then surrender the license. Doing this would allow the new business owner to apply for an alcohol license immediately rather than having to wait 6 months as they would if the license was revoked. The committee ended up holding the license revocation until the 01/08/2025 committee meeting as a courtesy.
During the 01/08 meeting, the committee was told that the license had been surrendered on 01/07/2025. As a result, there was nothing for the committee to do as there was no longer a license to revoke and the issue was now moot.
View full meeting details and video here:
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