The Community Development Committee is meeting 01/08/2025 at 4:30PM.
They have one action item which has an associated public hearing attached to it which is a request to approve City Program Funding for 2025 Community Development Block Grant Funding. Staff is estimating an award of $588,231 in federal CDBG funds, and they are recommending that they be allocated as follows:
- Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program: $200,000
- Community Resource Navigator: $88,231
- Neighborhood Grant Program: $40,000
- Appleton Housing Authority: $25,000
- Fair Housing: $25,000
- CDBG Administration: $65,000

Additionally, as information items they will be receiving the annual updates to the Housing Affordability Report and the Housing Fee Report, the October and November Inspection Division Permit Summary Reports, and an update on the Neighbors in Action Workshop which was formerly called the Neighborhood Leadership Academy.
View full meeting details here:
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