Parks And Recreation Committee Approves Updated Rental Policies For Jones Park And Houdini Plaza, Approves $25 Across-The-Board Rental Fee Increases For Houdini Plaza

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 01/22/2024. Two of the items they took up were the updated rental and fee schedule policies for Houdini Plaza and Jones Park. The Jones Park rental policy update was approved unanimously after minimal discussion because the policy change was […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Approves Preliminary Community Development Block Grant Awards For 2024, Reallocation Of Unused 2023 Dollars

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 01/24/2024. They took up two action items, one was a request to approve preliminary 2024-2025 Program Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocations. The other was a request to approve the reallocation of 2023-2024 program year funds in […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Receives Annual Update To Housing Reports – New Dwelling Units Fall Short Of 300 Unit Per Year Goal But Are Trending In Right Direction

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 01/24/2024. As an information item, they received the annual updates to the Housing Affordability Report and the Housing Fee Report. These are reports that, by law, the city has been required to create and update annually since 2018. […]

Utilities Committee Approves 3 Items Related To Wastewater Treatment Plant Maintenance, Including A Sole Source Engineering Contract And A Sole Source Purchase Request

The Utilities Committee met 01/23/2024. They took up three action items all related to maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download: ITEM 1: Sole Source Engineering Services Contract to McMahon Associates as part of the 2024 Aeration […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves $57,000 1-Year Contract For Increased Security Services In Downtown Parking Ramps – Increased Patrol Hours Requested After Increase In Vandalism And Unauthorized Behavior

The Municipal Services Committee met 01/22/2024. They spent 20 minutes, half the meeting, discussing the request to approve a single source $57,000 contract with Star Protection and Patrol to provide security services for 8 hours a day 5 days a week in the downtown parking […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Street Occupancy Permits For Avenue Of Ice And Fox Commons Project

The Municipal Services Committee met 01/22/2024. At the beginning of the meeting, prior to dealing the 2024 traffic control sole source requests or the 2024 contract for security in the parking ramp, they briefly took up two more easily handled items. I’ve prepared a transcript […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves 2024 Sole Source Purchase Requests For Traffic Equipment And Technology

The Municipal Services Committee met 01/22/2024. One of the items they spent a fair amount of time discussing was the request to approve the 2024 sole source purchase requests related to various traffic equipment and technologies. Per the staff memo, “it is common in the […]

Finance Committee Approves Resolution Designating $134,000 In Grant Funds Toward Library Project – Declines To Clarify If This Will Reduce Taxpayer Burden Or Increase Overall Library Project Budget

The Finance Committee met 01/22/2024. One of the items they took up was Resolution 1-R-24 the Resolution for Use of Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Funds. This resolution calls for $134,180 in Department of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funds that the city accepted […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Meeting 01/24/2024 – Will Vote On Preliminary 2024-2025 Community Development Block Grant Awards

The Community and Economic Development Committee is meeting 01/24/2024 at 6:30PM. They have two related items on the agenda as well as an associated public hearing. The first item is a request to approve the preliminary community development block grant community partner allocations for the […]