Resolution Calling For Merging Of Utilities Committee With Municipal Services Committee Introduced At 02/21/2024 Common Council Meeting

One resolution was submitted during the 02/21/2024 Common Council meeting. Resolution 2-R-24 The Resolution To Consolidate The Utilities Committee With the Municipal Services Committee was written by Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) and, if passed would eliminate the Utilities Committee and merge it with the […]

Common Council Votes Unanimously To Deny Whitman Yard Site Closure Resolution, Approve Peabody Park Trail Project, Approve Sludge Piping And Digester Bid

The Common Council met 02/21/2024. The public portion of the meeting was short, lasting only around 15 minutes. They did also spend around 45 minutes in closed session “deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties and the investing of public funds, regarding the U.S. […]

Board Of Health Receives Respiratory Virus Surveillance Report – Health Officer Sepers Tells Board 2023-24 Covid Season Was Much Worse That 2022-2023 Year

The Board of Health met 02/14/2024. One of the information items they received was the Respiratory Virus Surveillance and Waste Water Report. This item was discussed only briefly with Health Officer Charles Sepers highlighting some points he found notable. I’ve prepared a transcript of the […]

Common Council Meeting 02/21/2024 – Will Vote On Resolution To Close Whitman Yard Waste Site, Go Into Closed Session To Hold Negotiations Regarding US Venture Site

The Common Council is meeting 02/21/2024 at 7PM. They have quite a few action items on the agenda, but it’s a little hard to guess which items may be separated out for individual votes. The one item that stands out to me is Resolution 12-R-23 […]

Finance Committee Approves Multiple Infrastructure And Utility Maintenance Contracts, Discusses Cost Savings Experienced By Multiple Projects

The Finance Committee met 02/12/2024. The item that took up the single most amount of time was the discussion regarding the proposed installation of a kayak rental station/dock at Telulah Park, an item they opted to hold for two weeks before voting on. They did […]

Board Of Health Receives 2023 4th Quarter Health Department Report – Discusses How Pandemic Focus Negatively Impacted Response To STI Infections

The Board of Health met 02/14/2024. One of the information items they received was the 2023 4th Quarter Health Department Report. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download: The report was brief and fairly self-explanatory, but Health Officer Charles Sepers did highlight a […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Approves Request To Create Lead Forensic Evidence Specialist Position – Alderperson Siebers Expresses Hope That Police Chief Will One Day Ask To Add More Police Officers To Department

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 02/14/2024. One of the items they voted on was a request by the police department to create a Lead Forensic Evidence Specialist position. The forensic evidence unit is supervised by a police lieutenant but the three staff […]

Health Officer Sepers Reports That Pitbull Declared Dangerous Animal Was Euthanized

The Board of Health met 02/14/2024. One of the information items they received was an update regarding a dangerous animal declaration. Tony, a male pit bull, had been declared a dangerous animal after he bit a human family member’s face in an unprovoked attack. He […]

Board Of Health Approves Requests To Purchase Contract For Electronic Health Records System, Accept $4,000 Grant To Fund Car Seat Safety Program

The Board of Health met 02/14/2024. They took up two action items. One was a request to approve an Electronic Health Records vendor contract for an annual subscription cost of $12,371 and a one time training and implementation cost of $5,500. The other was a […]

Police And Fire Chiefs Talk To Safety And Licensing Committee About Staff And Recruitment Plans

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 02/14/2024. Half the meeting was taken up with Directors Reports from Police Chief Polly Olson and Fire Chief Jeremy Hansen. Chief Olson spoke about the Police Department’s plans to conduct a police staffing study to help them determine the […]