April 2024 Election Results – Martyn Smith Wins District 4 Race, Christopher Croatt To Remain District 14 Alderperson

Here are the election results for the city elections. Martyn Smith will be the new alderperson for District 4 taking over from Israel Del Toro who opted not to seek reelection, and Christopher Croatt will remain the alderperson for District 14. Those were the only […]

Common Council Meeting 04/03/2024 – Will Receive City Of Appleton Brand Guidelines, Say Farewell To Departing Alderpersons

The Common Council is meeting 04/03/2024 at 7PM. Mayor Woodford will be making a number of board and commission appointments. He will also be presenting the City of Appleton brand guidelines. The Common Council will also be saying farewell to the departing alderpersons, both Alderperson […]

Finance Committee Approves 2023-2024 Budget Carryover Appropriations – Discusses Items Related To Housing Task Force Implementation Designed To Improve Communication And Process Flow With Developers

The Finance Committee met 03/25/2024. One of the items they voted on was the request to approve the 2023-2024 budget carryover appropriations. There were two long lists of carryover appropriations which can be downloaded below along with a transcript of the discussion: The only items […]

Finance Committee Approves Memorandums Of Understanding For City Programs Receiving $2.8 Million In ARPA Funds

The Finance Committee met 03/25/2024. One of the items they discussed was the request to approve Memorandums of Understanding for various projects that utilized ARPA funding. The committee had questions about five specific programs: The committee ended up approving the item unanimously. I’ve prepared a […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Approves Creation Of “Open Flame Effect” Permit Category With Lower Permit Fee Than Pyrotechnic Displays

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/27/2024. One of the items they took up was the request to update the municipal code to recognize “open flame effects” displays as something separate from fireworks and pyrotechnic displays. This change was made in order to facilitate a […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Reviews Two Operator/Bartender License Applications Recommended For Denial – In Line With State Statute They Deny One And Approve The Other

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/27/2024. During the meeting, they took up two operator/bartender license applications that staff was recommending be denied. The committee ended up voting to deny one of the applications and approving the other. It was an interesting meeting because in […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Holds Public Appearance For Pillow Talk-N-Wine Demerit Point License Violation – Nobody From Pillow Talk-N-Wine Shows Up

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/27/2024. One of the items on the agenda was the scheduled public appearance by a representative of Pillow Talk-N-Wine regarding the 50 demerit point license violation they were recently convicted of related to an incident in which they were […]

City Plan Commission Approves Rezoning Of Parcel By Midway/Plank Roundabout From Single-Family To Multi-Family Residential – Neighborhood Residents Express Opposition

The City Plan Commission met 03/27/2024. They had one action item and associated public hearing which was a request to approve the rezoning of a parcel near the Midway Road/Plank Road roundabout from R-1A Single-Family District to R-3 Multi-Family District. Though not a part of […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Complete Streets Policy And Associated Documents – Discusses Equity Around Prioritizing Pedestrian Crossings

The Municipal Services Committee met 03/25/2024. One of the items they took up was the request to approve the Complete Streets documents consisting of the Complete Streets Policy, the Pedestrian Crossing Improvements Policy, Priority Project Locations, and the Complete Streets Design Guide. The Complete Streets […]