The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 12/11/2024 at 6:30PM.
They have two action items.
The first is a request to over hire for the Deputy Director of Human Resources position. The existing Deputy Director intends to retire effective 03/10/2025. Staff would like to hire a replacement to start 02/10/2025. The one month overlap would facilitate the “seamless transition of responsibilities and continued operational efficiency”. The anticipated cost of the over hire is $11,254 which would be taken from un-used dollars that had been budgeted for salaries.

The second item is a request to hire CP2 Consulting Services to help the city put update its strategic plan. In August, the Common Council voted to use $45,000 of American Recovery Plan Act funds to hire a consultant to help the city define its vision and goals in conjunction with the scheduled update to the city’s Comprehensive Plan.

As information items, the committee will be receiving information on updates to the General Safety Policy and the Accident and Incident Reporting Investigation Policy as well as reviewing the most recent Recruitment Status Report.
View full meeting details here:
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